Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM)

Other Contributors: José Faria, Hugo Costa


The objective was to implement a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm and other relevant subjects like object segmentation (DeepLab and YOLOv5). My team used an Intel RealSense d435i RGB-D camera and working in a ROS environment (mostly Python) to achieve our goals. The code and results for this project can be found here.

Languages and Tools:

mapping GIF

IoT: Remote Monitorization of Server Rooms

Other Contributors: Hugo Costa


We created a system to monitorize important variables like temperature and humidity of server rooms with a GUI to help the client to vizualize the data. We gather the values of temperature and humidity with a Zolertia board running ContikiOS. The "thing" comunicated by MQTT with a Bridge that would encript the data and send to the Amazon Web Services. In the Amazon AWS the data is processed and stored in a table for easy queuing. We built this system in a way that we could implement "infinite" sensors per server room with "infinite" rooms.

Languages and Tools:

mapping GIF

App to measure Fish Length and Weight

Other Contributors:


The objective of this project was to design a GUI to help the fisherman register the size of the fishes caught in the net. In order to accomplish that I used my knowledge of MATLAB to design a simple and interactive GUI that would take a photo of a fish and it's type to predict the size (based on correlation weight-length studies found online) and then export the information to an Excel Spreadsheet. By working on this project I learned about Imaging Processing and it was the first time I developed an actual executable file with a GUI.

Languages and Tools:

Arduino Glove

Other Contributors: Pedro Leal


The objective of this project was to build a glove with Flex-Sensors in 3 fingers, check if the fingers were bent and plot the data. On top of that my colleague and I though it would be fun if we designed a game that was controlled by bending the fingers, so we design a Space Invaders type of game.

Languages and Tools: